Our 10 Priority Objectives & Our Concrete Commitments for the First 100 Days

If the residents of Ixelles entrust us with the responsibility of managing our commune for the next 6 years on October 13th, here are not only our 10 priorities for the new legislature but also our commitments for the first 100 days following the installation of the new team:


Restore the Cleanliness Ixelles Deserves: No More Dirty Streets

  • Target: Zero garbage bags on sidewalks by reforming the garbage collection system and finally making massive investments in underground or surface containers, with a priority in commercial areas.
  • Launch, from the first day of the new legislature, a major plan to remove graffiti throughout the commune, street by street, combined with a strong repressive framework.
  • Establishment of a brigade of inspectors with coercive powers who continuously patrol the commune to combat uncivil behavior in partnership with the police.
  • Implementation of a municipal hotline to report uncivil behavior and illegal dumping with the assurance of a solution on the same day.
  • Daily maintenance of green spaces to prevent them from becoming dumping grounds.
  • A strong commitment: no new municipal taxes throughout the entire legislature!
  • Reduction of additional property taxes and personal income taxes with a progressive timeline throughout the legislature.
  • Reduction of parking fees to encourage family visits and support local businesses: lowering the cost of resident parking permits, revising zones, hours, and prices.


Lower Taxes for All Residents of Ixelles to Increase Purchasing Power


Make Ixelles the Safest Commune in Brussels

  • Zero tolerance for drug trafficking: relentless pursuit and prosecution of dealers 24/7 in all neighborhoods.
  • Strengthening the presence of community policing in all neighborhoods of Ixelles, affirming Ixelles' specificity within the Brussels-Capital-Ixelles police zone.
  • Redeployment of neighborhood officers in the most sensitive areas of the commune.
  • Absolute security in public spaces for everyone, especially women, LGBTIQIA+ individuals, and those who may be exposed to harassment or violence at any time of day or night, particularly by improving public lighting at night and offering the option to request bus drivers to stop between stops after 7:00 PM.
  • Installation of smart cameras in sensitive areas to better intercept and sanction troublemakers.
  • Unbiased and comprehensive review of the Good Move Plan in collaboration with residents of various neighborhoods wherever it has caused more problems than solutions (in terms of both mobility and overall traffic displacement): junction between the two Ixelles Ponds, Pont Fraiteur...
  • Implementation of a "Pedestrian Plan" to enhance comfort and safety for pedestrians and people with reduced mobility.
  • Creation of new bike lanes and securing existing lanes throughout the commune.
  • Improvement of public transportation offerings and safety throughout Ixelles, particularly overcrowded lines such as 71 or 95.
  • Reduction of maximum speed limits near daycares and schools in the commune with specific warnings.


Ensure Mobility that Unites Rather Than Excludes


Enable Young People and Middle-Class Families to Find Decent Housing in Ixelles

  • Reduction of additional property taxes and personal income taxes with a progressive timeline throughout the legislature.
  • Development of affordable quality housing in Ixelles by working closely with public and private actors to support the settlement and anchoring of the middle class in our commune.
  • Increase the number of housing units made available by Social Rental Agencies (AIS) in our commune to facilitate access to housing for people with more modest means by raising awareness among property owners about the existence and benefits of AIS and establishing new incentives for owners (tax advantages, energy renovation grants...).
  • Protection of green spaces and biodiversity through the preservation and refurbishment of the main green spaces in the commune and the planting of a tree for every new birth in the commune (+/- 5,000 during the legislature) with an updated map.
  • Raise awareness about the preservation of nature and biodiversity in schools within the commune, in partnership with the nonprofit and business sectors.
  • Renovation of public spaces by eliminating 100% concrete and using 50% limestone in the construction materials for roads and sidewalks to reduce heat in the city center, as already practiced by some metropolises like Toulouse.
  • Improvement of access to electric charging stations by launching a pilot project of 5 "electric parking zones" to concentrate public charging stations in fixed and relevant locations.
  • Launch of a major energy renovation plan for the entire public municipal real estate portfolio, prioritizing synergies with third-party investors.


Revitalize Nature and Biodiversity: More Freshness and Less Pollution


Restore the Strength of Ixelles' Commerce

  • Rapid organization of the General States of Ixelles Commerce based on the feedback from merchants regarding the consultation sent to them in recent months.
  • Elimination of parking fees throughout Ixelles for the first half-hour on weekdays and the first hour on weekends and revision of evening parking policies to make Ixelles' businesses attractive again.
  • Establishment of an "SME test" at the municipal level. Every municipal decision must include an annex evaluating any potential negative impacts on the entrepreneurial development of Ixelles and, if necessary, the relevant solutions.
  • Development of an active and effective public strategy to diversify the commercial fabric, particularly in the Flagey, Toison d'Or, Châtelain, and Ixelles Cemetery neighborhoods.
  • Simplification of administrative procedures and contacts between merchants and the Ixelles administration, notably through the municipal electronic portal.
  • Establishment of Public-Private Partnerships with companies located in Ixelles for the development of new nurseries to support working parents in Ixelles.
  • Refocusing primary education on fundamental skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic.
  • Generalization in school programs of hours dedicated to citizenship education and information on neutrality in primary and secondary schools.
  • Support for bilingual French/Dutch education initiatives and the creation of a new bilingual French/Dutch secondary school within the commune.


Invest in the Future by Putting Excellence at the Heart of Schools and Creating More Nursery Places for Working Parents


Make Ixelles a Commune Where It Is Pleasant to Grow Old

  • Encouragement for seniors to remain active in the life of the commune and stay at home as long as possible.
  • Creation of a municipal unit for proactive assistance and support for seniors that can provide administrative help, social follow-up, moral and health monitoring.
  • Access to training, support, and relief programs for caregivers, including stress management advice, respite services, and support groups.
  • Monthly training sessions for seniors (IT, first aid...).
  • Regular exchanges, at least once a month, between students of primary schools in the commune and active seniors as well as those in residences and day centers.
  • Introduction of a Culture Pass for all young people in Ixelles between 16 and 25 years old.
  • Rehabilitation of the Abbaye de la Cambre site, through a call for projects, to make it both a harmonious place for walking and culture accessible to all residents of Ixelles, and a source of pride.
  • Rapid reopening of the Ixelles Museum, with privileged access for schools and youth associations in the commune.
  • Addition of one hour of sports per week in municipal schools and reinforcement of extracurricular sports activities during lunch breaks and after school.
  • Strengthening partnerships with schools and universities with significant sports facilities to facilitate access for young people and seniors.
  • Promotion of integration into sports clubs by creating teams adapted for young people with disabilities or special needs.
  • Creation of the Ixelles 10 km race to showcase the commune's heritage and businesses through sports practice


Ensure Accessible and Quality Cultural and Sports Offerings